Saturday, December 28, 2019

FINISHED NEEDLEWORK: "Kansas Songbirds" Tissue Box Cover

The tissue box went together very easily other than one panel.  Three of the panels had a 'finished' edge - ie when I cut the plastic canvas, the top of the panel was along one of the edges of the sheet of canvas.  That meant that there were no cut edges to snag on the yarn as I assembled it.   The other one did not have the finished edge and it did snag, but I took a nail file and smoothed down the worst of the offenders and things went much better then.  In the final product, you can't see the difference at all.

I just need to get a box of boutique sized tissue and this will be ready to go on my desk at work.  And another UFO bites the dust!

Acrylic Needlepoint Yarn on plastic canvas.  Pattern designed by Kathleen Hurley, Leisure Arts 1991

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