Sunday, December 15, 2019

Slow Sunday Stitching - December 15, 2019

It is indeed a slow Sunday here.   It's snowing in eastern Kansas, and I am hibernating.   Knitting and good book are on the agenda.  (See what the rest of the crew is up to over at Kathy's - link to current round up.)

I just cast on a nice long wrap around twice cowl in some deep (ie old) stash.   This is Reynolds Blizzard.  I really miss the Reynolds yarns, they had some really nice stuff. 

The edges will be in the yellow, and the main body in the cream if I have calculated my numbers and gauge correctly.  (I am also quite amused by casting on a project from a yarn called "Blizzard" when it is snowing as hard as it is right now!)

I will also be starting panel 4 - the blue jay (summer) of the tissue box cover in needlepoint on plastic canvas.   I finished panel 3 - robin (spring) yesterday.   Not planning on going anywhere or doing anything except maybe shoveling out the walks at some point.  


  1. the snow will not come down south to reach us - and so far no snow this year for us. The yarn looks lovely!

  2. Hibernating inside, enjoying some knitting while the snow falls outside, sounds like a wonderful idea to me. Enjoy!

  3. We had a little snow last week, but it goes as quickly as it arrives! Last night we had tornadoes; I think I preferred the snow! LOL! Your robin is quite handsome! I can almost hear him sing! :)


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