Sunday, December 22, 2019

Slow Sunday Stitching - December 22, 2019

Gosh, it's almost Christmas.  December has flown by.  My handbell choir is playing for the early Christmas Eve service, and we had a rather grueling practice on Wednesday.  There are several substitutes due to people's holiday plans; it always takes a bit for a new player to integrate into a group, even if the music is well within their ability.  You get used to hearing a certain style or 'hand' playing next to you and when that changes, your own timing is subtly "off".   But I'm sure it will be fine.  

Despite the busy schedule, there's been some crafting time.  The knitted cowl is almost at the halfway mark.  There will be 9 bands (4.5 full repeats) and here I'm just starting band #5.  It's actually a little further along than this in real life, but this is the most recent picture.   This yarn is so lush - alpaca and poly blend, so soft but very dense.   So it's a bit hard on the hands; and it's a single, so it's easy to split a stitch.  So it's not the fastest project and I can't really do it on 'auto-pilot' like I can knit with some yarns. 

The last panel for the needlepoint plastic canvas box is also coming right along.  The main motif of the Blue jay is almost finished.  There's quite a bit of stems, foliage and berries to do yet, as well as the sky and embellishments. 

I wish for all my Slow Sunday Stitching friends that you have a safe and happy holiday season.  (Link is to the current round up.  Click on the link party button.)


  1. I am very slow at my knitting but I'm glad I tried it again and that is all due to you and others that share your knitting it really got me wanting to try it again - thanks!
    Merry Christmas to you

    1. And you are such a hand quilting inspiration! Merry Christmas to you and yours as well!

  2. Good luck on your concert. Your knitting is looking lovely and that blue jay is adorable.

    1. Thanks for the good wishes on the bells - it's just a couple of pieces for the Christmas Eve service, not a full blown concert, thank goodness. And I am actually liking this project more than I thought I would, I can almost hear that jay scolding down out of his territorial tree LOL.

  3. Your knitting is perfect! Love the blue jay as well. Have a wonderful holiday.

  4. I love cowls and finally knit one this fall, but now I am thinking I need more. Love the one you are working on!

  5. Beautiful knitting and stitching. Hope you have a wonderful Christmas!

  6. Hi,
    Wonderful stitching projects.
    Have a great day!

  7. I have some soft wool for a cowl type infinity scarf. I love your pattern, it will be very pretty. I hate wool that splits.

  8. I love the pattern you are knitting. Love the touch of the yellow kissing the hem.

  9. Your cowl looks so warm and cozy! I used to do plastic canvas and the bluejay looks so nice!


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