Sunday, January 19, 2020

Slow Sunday Stitching - January 19, 2020

Winter is still being nasty here in Kansas; another front of ice, sleet and freezing rain moved through Friday though it warmed up a bit on Saturday.   The lows are in single digits and more winter mix and snow is forecast for later in the week.   I just wish it would snow and not do the icy sleet, freezing rain, freezing fog type stuff beforehand.  That's what makes driving so dangerous!

To make matters worse, I may be coming down with a cold.  At the graveside service earlier this week, I got my feet soaked in a puddle.  Now I'm coughing and sort of scratchy throated.  So I'm doing lots of Vitamin C and trying to stay warm.  Just wish I could hibernate completely, but unfortunately work is.... work.

Nevertheless, I did get some crafting accomplished this week. 

The Hexipuff cushion got much bigger!  The rest of path row 1 is attached, as well as all of the center row of rosettes assembled and attached.  
And the travel project of the hand pieced Carpenters Wheel got two more sets of points made and attached.
And last, but certainly not least, the vine spine on Dutch Beauty is all the way around the bottom row.
I was SO relieved when it met up in the bottom right corner perfectly in line with the pattern graph.  I often think about the young stitcher who did the original piece.   Her top corners are nicely symmetrical turns, but both of the bottom corners hit 'wherever'.  Did she not think ahead, did she miscalculate her numbers, was she bored and just wanted it to be done? (This is such a large piece she must have been ready to move on to another project.)
Now you can really get an idea of how far I still have to go on this project.  I'm currently working on the leaves and buds over on Page O/15 at the far left now.   I won't get anywhere near a page finish this time around; I'm at over 5 hours on this round and haven't started any of the motifs yet.

But that's the nature of Slow Stitching - it's all about the journey.  Which is good, because I'm certainly not a FAST stitcher LOL.   Linking up with my peeps over on Kathy's blog with the weekly roundup of Slow Stitching projects.

ETA:  The Chiefs WON.  Great Quarterback touchdown from Mahomes!!!!  We are going to the SuperBowl!!!!  And I might have gone a little hexipuff crazy before, during and after the game......


  1. Beautiful hexie projects, but you should try the 1/4". They're so fun to make, but they take the same time as the bigger ones. I'm impressed by your work on the last picture. Really slow work, but that's why we do it, isn't it?

  2. I adore that Carpenter's Wheel. Your Hexipuff cushion is interesting. I have never seen something like that. Your cross-stitch is beautiful and so intricate. It will definitely progress slowly, but it is so worth it.

    1. There was a real fad for the hexipuffs on Ravelry for a while. I have a bad habit of getting swept up and then downsizing the project when I start getting bored (this and Lucy Boston are recent examples LOL). But I do try to get a useable project out of even the momentary enthusiasms.

  3. I just love that stitching you are doing it is so big (or so it looks)well be interesting to see the finish - how long have your been making it? Hope your cold gets better soon

    1. It's pretty big. 24 inches high by 37 inches wide. I started it in 2000 and worked on it for about 14 months (the top row). But then it hibernated for YEARS. I only really started working on it steadily in rotation again when I hooked up with the Slow Sunday crew. You folks give me SO much motivation.

      Thanks for the good wishes.

  4. Great projects, and love that stitchery. It is gorgeous!

  5. Dutch Beauty is gorgeous! How long have you been working on it?

    1. I started it in 2000, did the top row and a little bit in about 14 months or so. Then it sat with just the mini rows with the rabbits for almost a decade. I was involved with a stitcher's group that did a UFO round robin for 6 months (all six of us sent out a project and you put ten hours in on someone else's project each month. At the end, you got your project back with 50 more hours done on it.) That got me solidly into the center row. It's been in my rotation as my historic project since 2017. This is the 7th time through the rotation since I picked it up again.

      It didn't really take off until I joined SSS. I kept skipping it, but you all provide SO much motivation and accountability.

  6. So true - it is the journey that is important not how fast you can finish. Lovely projects and I hope you are back to feeling 100% soon. Sounds like a day slow stitching is just what the body needs.

  7. I would love to hibernate the winter away....hate winter! It sounds as if Kansas is getting it from all fronts. The hexipuff cushion is going to be wonderful; love all that puffiness. Gosh your Dutch Beauty is a triumph. All that amazing detail is gorgeous.

  8. The Dutch Beauty piece is amazing! Chiefs played a good game! Mind you, I'd have liked the Titans to pull out a win, but you can't argue that the Chiefs didn't earn it!! The Super Bowl is a little bittersweet for me ... it means no more football for a while! LOL! :)

    1. LOL. Football season is always fun, though I go to a lot more baseball games in person. Tickets for football are always so expensive, but I usually manage to see the Royals at least once during the summer. The entire KC area has gone just nuts. It's been 50 years since our last Super Bowl!


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