Sunday, March 1, 2020

Slow Sunday Stitching - March 1, 2020

Popping in to post (and link up) for SSS really quickly between church and other obligations. 

Big news this week was finishing my 10 hours on Teresa Wentzler's Millennium.   I'll do a proper before and after post later, but I finished up here:

Not bad for a couple of hours of work on the 'lake/loch/fiord' water reflections.  I especially liked getting the point of the sword sketched in.  I'll be looking forward to working on this one when it comes up again in a few months to finish up the water area and do the 'waterline' backstitch. 

Not a lot of knitting this week.  The socks are going with me this afternoon.   I did get about 6 inches in on the sock yarn blanket.  It's good for reading knitting.  Something simple in a smooth yarn in garter stitch flat or stocking stitch in the round lets me read and knit at the same time.  Perfect for this blanket, for a plain vanilla sock or the body of a plain sweater in the in round.  

I also got the first corner on the Carpenter's Wheel block.  I owe you all a picture; I'll try for next week.


  1. I wish I could knit and read at the same time but not there yet

    1. I've been knitting for over 50 years, so my hands go on 'auto pilot' when I'm working on plain knits. Especially sweater bodies in the round. If I couldn't watch TV or read, the plain bits would be SO boring. You'll get there.

  2. Oh wow, you have made a whole lot of progress on the mountain's reflection.

    1. I couldn't put the needle down! It was like magic when then reflections started working out.

  3. Wow you knit while you read....amazing! Your Millennium pretty is going to look amazing when the last cross stitch has been stitched! You made wonderful progress this past week.

    1. Thank you, I'm looking forward to when I get back to this one in a few months. Still a lot to do on this project - bottom frame area (including more over one and ton of back stitch)and then the metallic threads and beads. But getting the landscape done next time will be an intermediate milestone for sure.


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