Sunday, March 15, 2020

Slow Sunday Stitching - March 15, 2020

Well, I have TP, but no eggs!  I braved the grocery store last night, and it looks like something you'd see in a socialist country with aisles of empty shelves.  But we will get through this.  It's a good day to hunker down and spend sometime with my online stitching buddies at the Slow Sunday Stitching crew.  (Link to current round up.)

Other than that, it's been a great week.  I took a couple of days off and babysat my grandkids for their spring break.  We watched movies and played board games.  They are cut-throat at "Sorry". 

And crafts were also worked on.

Since I was out of the house, the socks got the most attention.  I got the heel flaps and turns done on both of them and the gussets picked up.  That's the fiddley bits done.
On the needlework front, I got the fix done on the VS "Four Elements - Air" band sampler and the remaining satin stitch completed.  I am ready to cut the side areas for the 'curtains' in traditional Hardanger.  That's today's Slow Sunday Stitching project.
And the hand pieced Carpenter's Wheel is on the final triangles around the edge - two done, six to go.  I'm not going to jinx myself and say that it will be done this week, but I am hopeful.  Picture when I get the that point, of course.


  1. well I got eggs but no TP! lol - I wonder how long this will go on - thankfully a lot of us can stay home and sew and try to stay healthy

  2. Ahhh that's a blast from the past... the board game "Sorry"...haven't seen it for years and used to really enjoy it!
    Your sock yarn is beautiful... enjoy working with it!
    Thanks for linking up to Slow Sunday Stitching!

  3. Lovely projects! I have eggs, but no TP, my last 3 trips to secure some have been in vain! Crazy times. Happy stitching!

  4. One is brave to venture out to a grocery store these days. Hope you were able to buy eggs. Love the colors of your sock yarn.

  5. Have tp but no eggs that is a funny thing.haha Love those socks. Are you doing magic loop or just two circular needles?

    1. magic loop - I have two identical 36 inch long needles, one for each sock/ball of yarn. I do cuff/cuff, leg/leg, heel/heel etc. So when I get to the end of sock 1, all I have left to do is the toe of sock 2. The name of the game is avoiding Second Sock Syndrome.

  6. I don't know much about knitting, but your project looks challenging. Great job! I do know a lot about eggs. I raise chickens and ducks. We will be eating TONS of eggs in the next few weeks. Since the time change this weekend my chickens are no longer on strike. Some of them are getting older (3-5 years old) and do not lay in the winter months as much as they used to. The chicks that I purchased in October of '19 are finally laying eggs! The extra light during the day of the daylight savings time really helps the egg laying process.

    1. I would love to have some backyard chickens, but our city doesn't allow them. My son lives outside the city limits, so he's thinking about getting some.

  7. The shopping phenonemon of late is bizarre....and what's with the stocking up of a year's supply of toilet paper???? Loving the progress of your socks. Those colours are fabulous!


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