Sunday, March 22, 2020

Slow Sunday Stitching - March 22, 2020

Very surreal week this week.   My work has transitioned to work from home, which I always wanted to try.   Still working out the bugs - especially for printing, but Skype meetings are working well.  But other than seeing video of my co-workers and waving at the mail man and the neighbors, I haven't seen a soul all week.   Guild is cancelled, as are church services and my choir.  I'm totally out of my usual routine. 

But I'm all caught up on laundry LOL.  And it's nice to be able to cook every day.  I need to add in a walk over my lunch hour, and watch the amount of snacks.  It's too easy to nosh all day with the kitchen just steps away. 

There's been quite a bit of crafting, as I'm sure is the case with everyone in the Slow Sunday Stitching crew (link to the week's roundup). 

First and foremost - the hand pieced Christmas Carpenter's Wheel is done!  I really like the way this one turned out.  It will be a striking focal for the eventual sampler / orphan block quilt.  I'm leaning toward doing this 'medallion style' with this block as the center.  But right now, I'm just collecting blocks of all sizes.  Since this is only added to when I want to do a 'test' block, it will take a long time to get enough blocks for a decent sized quilt.
needs a good press, but it will be folded up
in the project box, so ironing will be later
The socks also got quite a bit of time this week.  The gussets are done on both of them.  Now it's all plain knitting down to the toes.   Since these are the travel project and I'm obviously not going anywhere, these are getting a few rounds off and on during my work day and also the 'TV knitting' time.  The majority of the knitting this week was during a long meeting (Skype) that I had to attend but not present for, so I wasn't up on the video.  And also some online professional development classes that didn't need much note taking.  I focus so much better if my hands are busy.  

I haven't put as much time this week into the Victoria Sampler "Air" as I had hoped, but I did get the first of the 'curtain' panels done and the second side panel cut.  Once again, I used Janice Love's excellent Hardanger series for a reference.  This time, 'wrapped bars with dove's eyes' and 'Greek crosses' were in the second book "Fundamentals Made Fancy".  So far, so good on the cutwork. 
pin is keeping the pink basting tails out of the way until the center is cut

 Stay well, everyone.

ETA:  My church hosted Morning Prayer online (link to the main page, recorded service is embedded) , which was interesting and I really enjoyed it.  We are also doing Compline (the late evening service) live on our Facebook page at 9 every night.  I have been doing the early Morning Prayer as my Lenten discipline, so my days are bounded in reverence.


  1. glad you are able to work from home and knit socks at the same time!

    1. well, only during meetings that aren't video meetings. I still have to be 'on deck' for my 8 hours a day. But I am less distracted in a conference call than those co-workers who are sneaking onto their phones! LOL. The thing that I like best is that I get back the two and half hours a day that I usually spend commuting. I'm looking at that as a silver lining.

  2. Very nice Carpenter’s Wheel. It looks difficult to have all the many points line up. May you adjust well to working at home.

    1. Hand piecing worked well for this block with all the Y seams.

  3. Replies
    1. Thank you. Getting two hours a day back from the commute has really helped my productivity!

  4. I smiled when you said you were knitting while Skyping. I may do that when I am giving an online test next week. Your Carpenter's Wheel will make a gorgeous central block.

    1. If you've got a nice mindless project, it's perfect.

  5. It sounds as if your work life is settling in well at home. Love your hand pieced Christmas Carpenter's Wheel and those socks are fabulous. Keep well and take care.


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