Sunday, November 15, 2020

Slow Sunday Stitching - November 15, 2020

 Work is going to be crazy busy for the next several weeks, American Thanksgiving notwithstanding.  My monthly deadlines happen whether there are holidays or not!  

But at least crafting is going well.  

Finished the cutwork napkin and switched over to the third slot of five in my needlework rotation.

The actual cutting went well with my better scissors - the Dovo pair that I got at the Silver Needle a couple of years ago during Stitch Camp.  They cut all the way to the very sharp tips, which helps a lot when getting into those narrow places like the leaf stems. 

As mentioned in the chageover post, next up in the needlework rotation is Elizabeth's Designs "Garden Delight".   I'm working on the remaining borders for my next 10 hours.   At about 6 hours (most of which were due to the #24HoursOfCrossStitch virtual retreat last week), I have the satin stitch and eyelet flowers in the second border done.  They were rather finicky; each one took about 15 minutes. 

This week,  I'm on to border #3, which is Smyrna cross and ringed backstitch.  Ringed backstitch can be a pulled thread stitch, making little openwork circles.  But here it is not pulled, so it looks more like double running.  

And as promised, here's the Sock Yarn Blanket as of the end of Round 7.  Puttering along on this in stolen moments while reading or watching TV/You tube.  The only time I have to really pay attention is on the corners.   I'll tackle Round 8 / Corner 1 today after I check in with the SSC crew (link to current round up).


  1. Such a complex design on your stitchery! Great way to use up your leftover sock yarn.

  2. that sure is colorful knitting and good way to use up all those left over bits.

  3. So many lovely projects! But they look so challenging... I need to see more of that sock yarn blanket! Thanks for sharing with the Slow Sunday Stitching crew!

  4. Gorgeous cutwork and stitching! Hope you have a great week!

  5. Your cutwork napkin is so beautiful, such gorgeous work, and very time consuming I image.
    And your sock wool blanket looks a lot of fun!

  6. Your cutwork napkin is beautiful. Not sure I would be brave enough to make the cuts!


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