Sunday, November 22, 2020

Slow Sunday Stitching - November 22, 2020

 Well, it's been the usual amount of crazy at work.   We had an 'all hands' meeting via Microsoft Teams this week and the message was 'be patient, we will be back in the office in the spring'.   I would MUCH rather continue to work from home!   I dread having that commute ever again.   If they indeed make us discontinue remote work, it will make my decision about when to retire MUCH easier.......

 On a happier note, I finished my 10 hour rotation on the Elizabeth Designs "Garden Delights".  The final border was scalloped half eyelets.  Just the verse and the charms left to go on this piece. 

I really love working with silk.  This is AVS for the solids and an overdyed "Silk N Colors" from the Thread Gatherer.  "English Meadow".  on 28 count "Lambswool" linen.

I'll do a proper changeover post soon, but Dutch Beauty is next up in the rotation.   My goal is to finish page U/21.   All that is left is the tall lily pot and some buds in the border.

My birthday socks are finally cast on and underway.  Just the mere beginnings of cuffs as of yet, but underway.  The blue one is about a third of the way through the cuff rounds.

I will be working on the second cuff while I check out the SSS folks (link to this week's roundup)


  1. I think a lot of people are hoping to keep working from home...a much shorter commute and a relaxed dress code! You got lots done on Garden Delights. I’ll be watching your socks grow.

  2. I have found from reading all the blogs that people either love working from home or love going out to work. love your stitching.

  3. I think one of the things that has become apparent during these COVID times is the ability to work from home in a successful manner. I hope you will be able to avoid the long commute and remain working from home. Your Garden Delights is beautiful. Wow.....all those scalloped half eyelets??!! Enjoy knitting your birthday socks.

  4. I am semi-enjoying working from home. It is hard to teach a university math class over Zoom. I am grateful that I no longer have the 35-45 minute commute to my day job though. I too will have to make some decisions when I am told I must go back to in-person teaching. Garden Delights is gorgeous. I love the variegated floss. Enjoy your knitting.


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