Monday, November 22, 2021

Mending Monday: Drawstrings

 This little patchwork cotton pouch came with a jewelry purchase just before the pandemic hit.   The necklace went into the jewelry box and I started using the pouch to store my hairpins in my purse.  When my hair (which is fairly long) is put up, it makes resting my head against the back of the seat in the car quite uncomfortable.  So I put my hair up once I get to the office and take it down prior to my commute home.   There's no reason to have a sore neck after the hour plus drive!   But hairpins get lost in the bottom of a purse, so corralling them is necessary.

The only issue is that the drawstrings on the bag were made of a lightweight yarn and broke almost immediately.   Now that we are approaching having to go back to the office at least part of the time, I need to get the drawstrings replaced so the pouch can serve it's purpose.  I had the tools for making twisted cord out to do the finishing on the Sweetheart Sewing Tin, so I took the opportunity make enough cord for this repair as well.   This is a 2 ply cord out of embroidery floss; each ply is four full strands of floss.  Any larger cord would not fit through the casing, it's pretty snug as it is.

Back in business.

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