Sunday, March 13, 2022

Slow Sunday Stitching - March 12, 2022

 This week has been all about finishing stuff. 

First up, I did get the little tape cover finishing finished.   The stitching was done over New Years and it took me until this week to get it put together.  I always make getting finishing completed into such a CHORE in my head.   Yes, it's hand stitching, but I love to do hand stitching.  Yes, it can get fiddly with basting and so forth, but it's not hard at all.  Honestly, with these little tape cases, the hardest part is being sure the front and back are both 'right side up' in relation to each other!

The construction is basically like a miniature drum, but there's a slit on the side for the end of the tape measure to come out of, and the base has an area cut out of the form layer to allow the button to be pushed to retract the tape.  The side of this case has a ribbon couched down with herringbone stitch and the base is covered in the same calico as is used in the rest of the set.

I got the "Bees Mini Block" from Hinzeit framed up.  I love the heavy, chunky frame.  The dark colors really pop and it gives what could be a really minor piece a bit of 'heft'.

A pretty productive week, all in all, since I also finished the first side AND got the second corner of round 10 of the Sock Yarn Blanket completed plus I am several inches into the second side already!   I LOVE quarterly meetings - camera off, mic off, KNIT like the wind with no one the wiser.
The safety pin is where I started the next to the last ball of yarn.
Linking with the SSS crew (current week here).


  1. I have been knitting during meetings on zoom too…helps me to stay awake! I told our minister I know or hand sew during church online…she said I’m welcome to bring my projects to church when we meet in person! Your blanket is coming along nicely.

  2. I'm loving zoom meetings for hand stitching also!
    Lovely finishes... congratulations!

  3. Hi,
    Love your Tape Measure cute. And those bees
    are awesome. Have a great day!

  4. I have never seen these tape cases before, what a pretty thing to make. I can see it could be a bit fiddly to construct, and you have done a great job. Your Bees look lovely, another wonderful finish. I'm looking forward to seeing your sock blanket finished in all its glory. I slowly knit socks, but cant imagine knitting a blanket from sock yarn!


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