Sunday, April 3, 2022

#BBDweekwndSAL for April 2022 and Slow Sunday Stitching - April 3, 2022

 #BBDweekendSAL is this weekend, and I'm working away on "Their Song" still.   I've put in a couple of hours so far.  And guess what - more black birds LOL!

I hope to put in another couple of hours later today after checking out the rest of the Slow Sunday Stitching crew. (Current link round up).

This week, I have also put in some time on the Sock Yarn Blanket and am getting close to the end of the third side on Round 10.   Last full corner coming up fast!

(ETA:  Got the last line of lettering done and started on the left side of the motif area)


  1. This is such a pretty stitch. I love anything by BBD especially when there is a blackbird in the design itself. Well done.

  2. We have blackbirds here in New Zealand. They are not native to our country, but were brought out with the English settlers in 1800s to remind them of home.

    1. We have common crows here in eastern Kansas that are a native bird, but no ravens, except rare migratory ones. There is a family of crows that have a nest somewhere nearby - probably in the wooded belt between the river and the highway about three blocks away. I can hear them 'caw' sometimes, no other bird has a call quite like it. They are really smart birds, too.

  3. Great weekend project. I spent my weekend hand stitching too.

  4. Such a pretty piece your Blackbirds is. Love those cherries.


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