Sunday, October 9, 2022

Slow Sunday Stitching - October 9, 2022

 Well, this week was pretty busy at work, as the first week of every month is.   But there was some crafting time.    I got to the 10 hour mark on the Plaza Sewing Bag (link to changeover post).

The next slot in the rotation is the 'other than counted thread' slot.   The Vintage Unicorn is to the background fill-in in basketweave stitch, so it's eligible for the challenges on the Full Coverage Fanatics group, and that project has been moved to the "Full Coverage Friday" slot where I work on it for 1-2 hours every Friday.   I was planning to start on the crewel piece "Eagle in the Pines", but Bob's Stocking (Redux) happened.

So I have started on the Swiss Darning on Bob's Christmas Stocking.  The back half of deer #1.   More on this today after I check out the SSS crew (link to current round up).

Lots on the actual knitting front as well.   I finished off the last couple of lace repeats on the Green Crescent Shawl and got it blocked.

And off the blocking board.

Now we can't be without a knitting project, so I cast on a LOSY (LeftOver Sock Yarn) Hat in Halloween colors to be an easy charity knit.


  1. All your projects are lovely the shawl is beautiful, I have never heard of the term LOSY before, haha the hat will be lovely in those colours. Enjoy your Sunday 😊

  2. Bob’s stocking will be extra special with the deer on it. I have not had much knitting time lately …I need to finish my current project. Good way to use up your leftover yarn! Gail at the cozy quilter

  3. Your shawl is very pretty. I love the stocking. Enjoy knitting that LOSY hat.

  4. What pretty projects you are working on. Love the shawl.

  5. Congrats on finishing the shawl! Cant wait to see how that pile of yarn will become a hat!

  6. All your projects are lovely, but what a wonderful shawl!


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