Saturday, December 9, 2023

OCTtoOCTSAL - December 2023 Section

 The December section of the #birdhousesSAL is so cute!  I love the "Santa's Coat" birdhouse and the hanging ornaments, the stick tree and the tiny gift sitting on the fence.  27.5 hours so far.

Since I took this picture, I've added a piece of muslin to the top to give me a little more top margin in the qsnap.  I don't like stitching too close to the clamped section.

My next goal on this piece (scheduled for later in the month) is to take the border all the way across the top of the piece and establish the left side for January's bit.

1 comment:

  1. This is a really fun project! Gail at the Cozy Quilter


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