Sunday, August 18, 2024

Slow Sunday Stitching - August 18, 2024

I'm feeling better overall, but the first part of the week was a bust on crafting as I was still feeling pretty icky with whatever that virus was (not COVID, I tested negative but rather nasty nevertheless).  

The latter part of the week hasn't been better as I have had contractors in to do some drywall work and painters will be here tomorrow.   All in all, between feeling under the weather and the hustle and bustle of people coming and going, I haven't really been able to get into the groove of stitching this week.   We also had a big storm come through on Wednesday night, lost power for about six hours and this was what my front stairs looked like!

That's about a third of a large tree from my neighbor's easement.  Luckily, by the time it got to my side of the property line, it was just the skinny upper branches and didn't do any damage.   JC and Carl (son and grandson) came over with chainsaws and a woodchipper and reduced the downed stuff to firewood and mulch.   No damage to either my car or the neighbor's - it came down precisely between them - our guardian angels were working overtime!

What DID happen this week was finishing!  I was in the mood for something that I could do in small bursts.   This cleared a big chunk of my WIPGO board!
Front to back:  "Two Hearts Needlebook", "Wooly Mittens Pin Drum", "Peaches and Cream Sampler" and hiding in the back are the parts of a project bag which is up next.

I'm going to enjoy the urge to finish things while it lasts!   

Linking up with the SSS crew.  Finishing still counts, right?


  1. Congrats on the finishes. They are all so pretty. So glad that tree spared your house and car. Hope you feel better soon. Hubby and I had a 3 week virus a couple of months ago. It was not fun.

  2. How fortunate there wasn't any damage from the falling tree limb. Your finishes are beautiful. I"ve never finished a drum but would love to learn how.

    1. I linked the tutorials that I used in the finished post
      Both of them have very good instructions and are my 'go to' flosstubes when I'm trying to figure out a new finishing technique.


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