Thursday, December 27, 2018

FINISHED NEEDLEWORK: Christmas Candy Gnome

This little guy has been the perfect simple project over the holidays. 

Design by Lindy of the Silver Needle for the November 2016 Secret Needle Night.   A limited edition kit.

Stitched on: 18 count rustic linen over two
Threads: Perle cotton, Suede cord, Angora needlepoint yarn
Buttons (eyes and nose) by Just Another Button Co and Mill Hill (snowflakes)

Finished as a shaped easel using the finishing kit provided. 


  1. The peppermint nose is the perfect finishing touch! So cute!

    1. Thanks! The other option was a wooden ball button, but I think this is much cuter.

  2. Replies
    1. Thanks! Simple to stitch, so just the right thing for a busy holiday time.


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