Sunday, December 30, 2018

Slow Sunday Stitching - December 30, 2018

I hope everyone had a fantastic holiday.   Even though we had rather cold, nasty rain instead of snow (much to the grandkids' disappointment), my family and I had a great week.   The bells did well on both our pieces at the Christmas Eve early service.   Here's a picture from the bell balcony in the back of the church as we were setting up - about twenty minutes before the service.
The music was glorious.  Brass and percussion, all the choirs - main choir, children's Choristers, Men's and Women's individual ensembles.  And our organ is lovely.    Grace Episcopal Cathedral - diocese of Eastern Kansas, btw.

There's finally been some down time now that the holidays are winding down.  And I have a couple of things to actually report this week!

First of all, the Christmas Candy Gnome is finishing finished.  (details at the link)
And I finished a block for "Aunt Lottie's Garden".   This is Block #13 of 30 that I need to hand applique for the center of the quilt.
And I am SO CLOSE to finishing Marita's hand knit afghan.  She got a 'promise' card on Christmas Day, and I'll deliver it sometime this week.   I have an issue with these afghans.  They are triple stranded on US15 needles.  That makes them nice and squishy, but also very heavy.   If I'm not careful, I can strain my wrists if I work too long on one and I just ran out of minutes.

I'm hoping to get the last 20 rows (ever decreasing) to complete the corner of the afghan done after church today.  I also want to spend some time getting the finishing part done on the last of the Silver Needle Camp projects.  And prep another quilt block to work on over breaks and lunch at work.
Linking up with Kathy's Slow Sunday Stitching blog.  


  1. Replies
    1. Thanks, all due to Lindy's expertise as a designer! I was just lucky to get one of the 'overstock' kits a couple of years ago.

  2. Very cute gnome. Hope you finish the blanket!

  3. I’m still finishing up one last gift as well. You are not alone! I look forward lo seeing the finished Afghan next week

  4. Love the gnome and Aunt Lottie’s Garden. Great work!

  5. What a cute Christmas Gnome. I bet it was fun to make. Good luck on finishing the afghan soon.


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