Sunday, February 17, 2019

Slow Sunday Stitching - February 17, 2019

Another snowy weekend here in Kansas - we had four inches on Friday and more over-night on Saturday.   I credit the weather and the resulting hibernation for getting a fair bit done this weekend.   (This is the view from my office door on Friday......  BRRRRRR.)  I hope everyone else in the Slow Sunday Stitching crew is staying warm (or cool depending on their local weather conditions).  I'm linking up with Kathy's blog for that.  (link to current week round up)

I had to get a new, shorter knitting needle for the hat to match the orange cowl - it was just too stretched out with the one I did the cowl on.  Picked that up on Thursday on the way home from work and the hat is now underway.  I'm really only working on it during my commute when it's my turn to ride, so it will be rather slow going this next week - it's my turn to drive.   Though I may get some 'waiting in line' time.   So there's not a lot to see here (and the color in this photo is really bad - the cowl picture from last week is a lot more accurate).
Got Block # 17 AND another block for Aunt Lottie's Garden completed.   This is #18 of 30 for the center.  Just four more of each color and I can assemble the center of the quilt.   I promise, I did finish and press both blocks before I put them away.  I took this photo at Quilt Guild last Tuesday since I finished it during the lecture there.   Interesting talk from one of the RJR designers on how the pattern industry works. 
 And last, but certainly not least, Millennium is at a bit over four hours this round.   I finished the rest of the area between the sword blade and St. Michael's robes and then started the back stitching on the left side.  I did the torch pole, the column edge and the lower wings.  Still to do this coming week - robes and trim on this side.    
As with the first round of back stitching, I love how the piece just comes alive with the outline finished.   Colors that didn't make sense become contours, highlights and shadows.  It's like magic.   I'm leaving the back stitching on the sword hilt until the end when I lay in the metallic threads on the blade and put the two beads in the cross-guard.  But I will do the purple in the sleeve lining and trim with this round.  And I've mentioned before that the gold under tunic back stitching will be done with the arch base.  So this week should see me done with this side.


  1. Cold and snowy here too...excellent weather for stitching! Great progress on all of your projects again this week.

  2. Three wonderful projects to work on! How do you decided what to spend time with each day?!?

    1. I call myself a 'situational crafter' - what I work on depends on where I physically am. I generally work on the applique at work over lunch. I often bring lunch and eat at my desk. The light is good there and since I get a full hour, there's plenty of stitching time. Knitting is for in the car, and when I am the rider in the carpool, that's about an hour each way. The cross stitch is at home under lighted magnification, though.

  3. all your projects are looking so great - nice that you car pool and can use some weeks for your projects

    1. I'm really blessed to be able to work in my home town two days a week - Wednesdays and Fridays usually. That lets me continue to play with the bell choir and avoid the crazy 'start of the weekend' traffic.

  4. Love your hexagon flower. Keep on stitching.

    1. I am pleased with the way these are coming out. I'll have to put this one away for a bit soon. I need to hand stitch a large block for "It was the 80s". That's the last of the handwork on that one until the binding, though.

  5. How can I sign up for your Blog Posts? No wonder you love the quilting and knitting, etc. Math lovers do well with quilting and knitting (I need more practice on this one). Have a great week!

    1. thanks for stopping by. I'm on BlogSpot, so you should be able to add me to your "Blogs I follow" list from your dashboard. I'm flattered that you asked!

  6. It looks cold out where you live. Here it is not snow now, but we can still get more. The first spring flowers bloom. So good you can sit inside with stitching, quilting and embroidery. It all looks very nice! :-)

    1. Thank you. There are some years that winter seems to hang on through February and even later. I long for spring.

  7. Our predicted snow is only rain today. We had snow before Thanksgiving and nothing significant since. Your projects are great. I am sure that hat will go quickly once you have the time to work on it.


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