Saturday, February 23, 2019

Quilt WiP: "It was the 80s" - Block 21

This block is another of the 12 inch blocks, but what it lacks in size, it makes up for in the number of pieces.   The grid is a 36 patch (6 by 6) of 2 inch (finished) pieces.   And 16 of them are half square triangles - that's 52 pieces in this one block. 

Pat's diagram has a dark/medium/light coloring, so I used two pieces out of one of the deconstructed nine patch blocks that let me use the navy calico print for the darkest fabric.  The medium is one of my new fabrics and that half yard is now down to a six inch square and a few scraps.  The light is the 'stars on cream' Bonnie Hunter neutral that was in the sashing of the original quilt.   I love that this block had small enough units to get full sized patches out of the old sashings.   A quick wash and a spray of Best Press was all that was needed to get the fabric back to 'near new' condition. 

All the units:

And the finished block:
If I were going to make a full quilt of these (and Pat's block pattern has a nice layout for just that), I would make at least the center set of four squares into flying geese units.  There's eight seams coming together in the center of this block and it was very had to get them all lined up and meeting nicely.  Flying goose units would at least eliminate two of those seams.

Note:  One thing I haven't mentioned about Pat's wonderful pattern is that not only does she give two layouts for this quilt (the other one is a symmetrical layout with all 12 inch blocks, so she gives  alternate sized blocks or units from the larger blocks to scale into the 12 inch block size), she ALSO does full quilt layouts for most of the blocks and provides a 'coloring sheet' of those layouts.   That's a lot for a free pattern!!!

This block reminds me of Southwest Native American art - rugs in particular.  I think it would be stunning in some of the turquoise, red rock and sand colors.   Maybe with a wide border of Kapolei dancer rock painting figures or something similar.  There are some batiks with those types of primitive art.   The block would scale up nicely to 18 inches square with 3 inch finished units instead of 2 inch.   I have too many quilts in the 'to do list' already, but that might go into the 'ideas' list. 

The Solstice Quilt on Pat Sloan's blog with the blocks and layout.

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