Sunday, August 27, 2023

Slow Sunday Stitching - August 27, 2023

 Anybody want some tomatoes?   I planted a new kind of Roma type and they are going crazy.   I can't keep up and am tossing them whole into the freezer to cook down and make sauce later.  Sorry about missing last week's round up; I was totally exhausted after all the canning.    Plus I have very little to report on the crafting front since the garden and food preservation is taking up so much of my time right now.  

I am working away on the Plaza Sewing Bag this round of my rotation.   Still stuck in satin stitch mode, but at least this upper rim area is the last part of it.   Just shy of five hours so far.   I still have the other curved end to do, then it's on to filling in the statues.

Turning the satin stitch around the curved end was sort of fun.   I basically used a hard pencil (for a very light line) and planned out where the horizontal stitches at the very end would be, then sketched in diagonals in about three places indicating the changing angle to get around the curve.  Then it's just a matter of slanting the stitching like you would doing satin stitch on surface embroidery.  I'm pleased with the way it turned out; I just hope I can get the other end to match!

Linking up with the SSS crew (current roundup here).


  1. I'd take some tomatoes if I was close., my beefsteak aren't doing that well, but I am getting an occasional cherry tomato. Zucchini is what I have! Enjoy your stitching~

  2. Your stitching looks great! I can't imagine doing so much canning. Wow!


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