Sunday, September 10, 2023

Rotation Changeover - 2023 Rotation #4, Slot 2 (Modern) completed AND Slow Sunday Stitching - September 10, 2023

 It was slow going on this slot of my rotation.   Satin stitch for over half the time and over one on 32 count for the rest.   But I did get all the fountain rim completed on the back of my Plaza Sewing Bag, filled in two of the little 'dolphin' statues and started on the fill in on the first horse.

I'm getting very burned out on this project, TBH.  But I don't want to UFO it again.   My mantra is "just 10 hours!"  I think once I get back to two over two cross stitches with the water in the fountain pool, it will get better.   There's a fair bit of statue fill in to get through first!

Where I was at the start of the round for comparison.  Doesn't look all that different, but there was over five hours of laid satin stitch in that pool rim!  Three strands of floss over four fabric threads for most of it.

It's cooled down enough that I can tolerate a bunch of wool in my lap, so I finally got to the start of the waist shaping on the brown sweater after it had been on 'it's too hot for wool' hiatus for the last couple of months. I'm only taking out about two inches, three rounds of decreases, spaced six rounds apart (four stitches decreased each round for a total of twelve stitches decreased).   I'll report back in with a photo when that is done.  

On the quilting front, there has been zero progress.   I'm kind of bummed out about that, but not enough to actually work on anything LOL.

Linking up with the SSS crew (current round up here).


  1. I can see progress every time you post a picture of this project. I can see why you only want to put in 10 hours on it before working on something else! Happy stitching! Gail at the cozy quilter


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