Sunday, December 31, 2023

FINISHED SEWING PROJECT: "Autumn Silhouette" Project Bag

I finally got around to the 'Autumn Silhouette' project bag this week.   It's been hanging out there for almost two years waiting for me to get the finishing done.  And I waffled SO  much on the fabric for this.   I'm still not 100 percent, because I think it's just a little bit bright. But "Finished is better than Perfect", right?  (Fabrics are from the "Bittersweet Lane by Kansas Troubles" line.)

I promise all the seams are actually straight and the bag is a proper rectangle, I am not a photographer!


Love the lining fabric!

Used the tutorial by @ElizabethAnnCanStitch (link to her project bag YouTube tutorial).

There is a point at which you swear you have turned this thing into a mobius strip, with no way to get it into the shaped of a lined project bag, but trust the process - it will all work out!

 Of course, I ran out of bobbin thread in the middle of the finicky bit!

Last step, a touch of hand-sewing to close up the lining.

Why do I always make this a bigger job in my head than it really is?   Once I started sewing, it was two hours (including breaks to re-watch the video directions, winding a bobbin, frogging the tangle that resulted from me not putting the bobbin back in correctly, finding my manual to figure out how to put the bobbin back in ::facepalm::, and maybe 20 minutes today to do the hand-sewing).

1 comment:

  1. Marvellous! Great job on turning a lovely stitchery into a project bag!


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