Sunday, December 31, 2023

Slow Sunday Stitching - December 31, 2023

Wishing everyone a safe and happy New Year's Eve!  Here's hoping 2024 will bring only good things to us all.

I did quite a bit of puttering around the house and some stitching this week, but once I got the 10 hours on the Sewing Bag done (changeover post here), my main focus was more on the Sugar Skull.   I got the 'lace' around the eyes finished and one of the flower petal eyes as well!  

ETA stats:  1,024 stitches this month for a total this year of 18,571 stitches and a project total of 20,323.  Average stitches per month - 1,563

I really debated trying to push for a finish on this, but it would be a bad beginning for 2024 to start the year with painfully sore hands.  Better to get back to it once the January section of the SAL is done.  But it will probably (hopefully!) be my first finish of 2024.  There are just three shades of green in the eyeballs left once I get the rest of the pink in on the left side.

The hat is coming along, too. but I don't have a photo and my knitting bag is in the car in the garage (oops - left it there after meeting some friends for tea and knitting yesterday), so I'll be sure to get a picture for next week.

The final project of the year is turning "Autumn Silhouette" into a project bag.   It's sort of hung out as a finishing project since Feb 2022!  And I finally got around to it this week, prompted by NOT wanting to have to put it on my "finish and frame WIPGO board"!  There's just a little bit of hand sewing left to do, so look for a FINISHED post later today!  Yippee!  (ETA:  Finished project post here.)

Thank to all the SSS crew for keeping me motivated and accountable this year!  Here's to many more productive weeks watching everyone's projects tick along.  (Link to this week's round up.)


  1. Your sugar skull is very close to a very colourful finish! Happy New Year! Gail at the cozy quilter

  2. Your sugar skull looks gorgeous! Don't rush it, slow is the way to go.

  3. Your sugar skull is looking wonderful! Happy New Year, and Happy Stitching!

  4. Love the finished Sugar skull. Happy stitching in 2024

    1. He's not quite finished yet - still have the "eyeball" part in greens to do, but it should be the first finish of 2024! Happy New Year to you, too.

  5. Such pretty colours in Sugar Skull! Great progress! Happy new Year!

  6. Karla - my brother and his wife live in Mexico and I know they would love this pattern. Where did you find it? I am joining Slow Sunday Stitching for the first time - I am number 22 if you want to stop by. Happy New Year!

    1. I found the vendor on Etsy. MagicCrossStitch, but there were many to choose from. Once you have a skull shape and the basic line up of eyes, nose and teeth, it's pretty easy to design the swirls and embellishments. I have saved some pics and napkins with design ideas for possible future projects.

      BTW, there are a series of six little Mill Hill Sugar Skull ornaments with beads and stitching. They look like fun, too.

      I'll check out your link! thanks.


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