Sunday, January 28, 2024

Rotation Changeover - 2024 Rotation #1, Slot #2 (Historic) finish AND Slow Sunday Stitching - January 28, 2024

First of all, this happened.  There's only about two dozen stitches at the tip of the thumb left to stitch.  I got into the groove with a couple of floss tubes yesterday and got more done with that concentrated stitching than I'd realized!  I'm taking the good advice people gave me and will be outlining the cuff in a medium grey floss.  (I am auditioning backstitch colors off there over to the left; the winner was DMC415 for the gray.  Decided it didn't really need the gold backstitch.) 


And with the backstitching:   It's subtle, but I think it's enough?

Plus this week there were finished things!

First, the knitted hat.  It turned out a small adult/large child.  It fits me, but it's snug.  But it will be perfect for someone - it will be donated.  I really love this yarn, BTW.  Knit Picks Galileo - merino and bamboo - so soft.

Then I finished up stitching the Santa.  I still have just a little bit to do in order to get him to FFO - basically just apply the twisted cord hanger, glue the paper on the back and trim it to shape.  Look for a Finish post early next week. (He'll have to dry overnight even if I get to the backing this afternoon.)
Linking up with the SSS crew for accountability and inspiration (current link party here).  Speaking of accountability, I need to get with the getting on my second January WIPGO slot.   There's only a couple of days left to the end of the month and the February numbers have already been called.  That's today's goal.


  1. The knitted hat is lovely, and I love Santa. Great work!

  2. I love that you make so many hats for donation. I could use up a lot of yarn that way. Need to find a place to donate to. I think the grey backstitching looks great and makes the cuff stand out. I love that Santa.

  3. I did a Santa on perforated paper a few years ago. Different than yours, but I love it. Yours is great!

  4. What a cute Santa ornament! Donation Hats always seem to be in demand . Have a great week Gail at the Cozy Quilter

  5. Knitting hats for donation is a kind thing to do. I sometimes knit children's hats for kids in foster care.

  6. Hats are such a labor of love - warms my heart to think of all the folks out there that have benefited! And your Santa is adorable. I am joining you from Slow Sunday Stitching - I am number 27 if you want to stop by for a visit!


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