Sunday, March 25, 2018

Slow Sunday Stitching - March 25, 2018

Determined to link up this week, since last week, there was a link fail!

First up, needlework: Teresa Wentzler's "Millennium" is the current rotation piece.
This is a close up of where I started.   Working on the left hand angel (Saint Raphael) down to the page break.  There were still a few colors of the over one stitching to fill in.
And at about 4 hours.   Over one completed.  This is the last of the over one other than the verse at the bottom of the piece.   But I'm done with the 'confetti' over one.   The face and hair are backstitched, as are the outer wings and torch down to the page break.  Just starting on the robes. 
It always amazes me how the backstitching makes everything come together.   There are multiple colors of back stitching on this piece, so even though the key is clear on what color is used for what shape, all the lines on the chart are monochrome, so I sometimes have to puzzle out exactly what colors go on what lines.   My basic rule is "what is 'in front' of what?".   For example: hair is in front of wings, so the edge between the hair and wing should be in hair color.  But the wing is in front of the column, so that edge needs to be in wing color.   
And here's a 'wide shot' to see the top half.  I've rolled up a bit now that I have the head and upper wing area completed.   Still quite a bit to do on the robes, hands, hourglass.  I may well be only doing backstitch for the rest of this rotation, but that's fine.   I'd love to have that page finish this time around. 
Better color balance this time.  Background fabric is ivory.
Second to report:  "Aunt Lottie's Garden" applique.   Block 10 is done.  The center of the top is now one third appliqued!

This project is going into a short hibernation.   I am also working on a sampler quilt ("It was the 80s") that is primarily machine pieced and will be sent to a local long arm quilter for quilting.   Since very little of it is hand sewn, I haven't mentioned it in a Slow Sunday Stitching report.   But there are a few bits that are hand work.   A traditional "Honeybee" block (which has quite a bit of applique) is next in the instructions and there will be a 6 x 18 inch fill-in area of English Paper Piecing.   So I'll be working on those parts for a while as my handwork project.  I hate to put the hexi applique away, but "80s" is actually my focus quilt, while "Aunt Lottie's Garden" is my travel project, so "80s" has priority.

My main focus today, though is to get the hanging sleeve finished on Sister's Choice and getting it labeled.  I'd really like to show it off at guild this week if possible.   I need to be a 'steady Sunday stitcher' as soon as I get back from church.   Speaking of which, I need to get moving or I'll be late. 

Linking up with Kathy at Slow Sunday Stitching (properly this week). 


  1. WOW that is a very complex stitchery project!
    Enjoy slowing down with your stitches!

    1. Thanks for stopping by. Teresa Wentzler is one of the more 'formidable' designers I've found in cross stitch, since she uses so many colors, blends etc. But it's still all just one stitch at a time LOL.

      Slow going is certainly the name of the game with this one, but I'm liking how the back stitching is looking.

  2. Your cross-stitch piece gets more beautiful with each update. Yes it is very true that outlining works miracles in making the piece pop.

    1. Thank you. I think most of this rotation will be backstitching! I'm just barely started on the robes/sleeves and then there's the hands and the hourglass too. Lots left to do. But I'm ok with that. If I can get all the backstitching down the bottom of the hourglass done, that's a page finish!

  3. Your cross stitch project is lovely. I, too, am amazed at how much outlining adds to a piece! Thank you for sharing such an inspirational piece!

    1. thanks for stopping by and commenting. More backstitch this week, to be sure.


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