Thursday, February 13, 2020


I've been watching Flosstube videos (stitchers' videos on YouTube).  OMG, some of these ladies have hundreds of WiPs and they have competitions where they start one a day in May and December.  ACKKKKK.   30(ish) WiPs with only half a dozen being worked on is more that I can cope with!

While I've been finishing things, more new starts are getting finished than old projects.   I know that's because the old projects are BIG projects, and I AM making progress on the ones that I'm working on.   I need to remind myself that I am working, have a long commute most days and have limited stitching time.  I get the same panic feeling when people at the quilt guild get up every couple of months with another finished full sized or larger quilt.   I know most of them have a long arm quilter that does all their quilting, many of them are already retired, many of them have very large crafting budgets and household help.  

This blog does help.  But still such a long way to go..... (sigh). 

1 comment:

  1. lol! You have company! I can't imagine starting one a day for a whole month....and then some! It would stress out my brain to where I simply could not concentrate. I found that a happy medium is to have the Flosstubers "talking in the background" WHILE I'm stitching....and only look up when they show a pattern (or progress on a piece).... And yes...I also have to remind myself that I am still working, etc....and can only do so much in the off time that I have! It's almost the weekend....hopefully you have 3 days off as well? Hugs! :-)


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